Friday, February 12, 2010

My Message To You If You are My Hater

I'm Hindu,and I'm proud of it.I'm the way God intended me to be,and I'm proud of it.I don't' care what you think,and i really can't be bothered about what you say,because for me,only I matter.You gotta open up your eyes and see that.There is 1 thing that i do best,and that is being better than you in every way.In other words,you're not enough for me.

Skin tone should never be condemned and it's sad that racism exists at such a tender age. Nevertheless, be proud of your race and stand strong, ignore immature people who believe in putting others down to make themselves feel better. If you don't' wanna think twice, do note that the president of singapore is indian too you know. At the end of the day, we all have different skin tones, religions and languages but we all fall under humanity and the colours of our blood don't vary.